*Make a GREAT combo for breakfast :)
*So I think that I forgot to mention that saturday i got stung by something.. what I have no Idea , but it hurt like HELL!!
I almost wanted to cry, and to top it off I didnt do anything.. The low life bug was just wanted to commit a hate crime, and I hope it died..
This was my leg.. 2 days later
And today it looks like a HUGE bruise.. All the ladies at work says that it was a allergic reaction. :( So I guess now im offically allergic to wasp thing stings. AHH
* So I have ran into another parenting problem. I hope its just not me either.. At the age of 2, alyssa is a great little girl. She is smart, and sweet, and funny, BUT sometimes I guess the "terrible two's" come out. To be quite honest I dont really know what to do when we are in public. When we are at home and nothing works, I take her to her bedroom tell her that since she cant listen then she gets to sit to herself for a min. Although she kicks and screams and yells and can open her own door she doesnt like it, she actually sits there and deals with it. I then go get her, and talk to her about it, and she actually listens for like the rest of the day. Its pure bliss actually. As soon as we go out in public though she acts so bad now..You know gets in the clothes rack and hides, and I try my best to tell her no, and to act right but eventally it always turns out the same. Along the lines of me or daddy dragging her out the store kicking, and trying to talk to her about her behavior as she bucking, and telling us no.
*So I have so been slacking on my
101. I need someone to get my butt in gear!
*I really wish my hubby would stop thinking we are going to make thousands of dollars from moving ourselves. I think hes crazy, and would really like for him to make up his mind on what he wants to do.
*I am SUPER excited about my sat morning with
Mandi :) I will have to tell you all about what we are going to do MONDAY.. due to the lack of internet at out house.. Gotta love me some AT&T.. they have been the best service providers EVER...... NOT!!!
*Peytons services will be: Wednesday at 6 is the viewing.
Thursday at 11 is the funeral.
(This will be probley one of the hardest things I will have to do, so please keep the prayers rolling. There are some family issues going on, so the family can still use LOTS of prayers right now.)
*Lunch?!? Chinese or pizza?!? The decisions contine..
Till then thanks for joining us in this journey we call life.