My Mothers Day 2010.
Brandon kept dropping big hints that he had everything planned this mothers day. I mean lys is two so I have had a few mothers day's before, but this one has far been the BEST. Brandon actually had duty sunday but that was alright because we made the best of it. I guess you have to when u are a NAVY wife.. LOL
So friday I knew that lyssa and daddy were coming up to work, cause we needed brandons yummy strong arm muscles, to carry all these files that were just lying around up to the attic. So he picked lys up to school, and brought her here with this..
It was my actual FIRST present from HER.. It really made my day. I always do this stuff foreveryone else in the famile, but never before have I gotten something that was made just more me. :) Yes yes I cried like a "proud MOM "
It says:
Sometimes you get
Becasue I am so small,
And always find my fingerprints
On furniture and walls.
But everyday I'm growing
And I'll be all grown up someday
And all those tiny fingerprints
Will surely fade away.
So here's my tiny fingerprint
And you can readily recall
Exactly how my fingers looked
when I was very small.
(ahh, still choked me up.)
We then went home, and I was having HORRIBLE cramps. Felt crappy all day. I was moody and irratable. SO brandon grilled up some BBQ chicken, and when we were done eating dinner, he was like well I guess ima give you my present now.. Grabbed money out his wallet, and told me to go buy
Oh, I was estatic.. Couldnt wipe the smile off my face.. AT ALL.. HA HA HA HA Theres nothing else that makes me wanna clean the house more than, when I get something new for the house. LOL Isnt it how funny things change when we grown up and get married. LOL
Saturday morning.. we can say didnt start off well at all. But we wont go into details. Lets just say we had a minor Argument. LOL But I got these flowers, and we decided to go to the town center to get out of the house, to maybe relieve a little tension. So all in all I guess it turned out to be a lovely evening, just strolling around.
OOH.. and these flowers were delivered During the (argument) ha ha
And these were taken before we left to the town center :)
Sunday was VERY relaxing, lys playin quitely all day. Nothin over extrordinary happend cleaned, and did laundry. It was quite lovely. :)
What did yall do on mothers day weekend? I Hope everyone had a weekend they will always remember. I can tell ya that it sure is nice to have a Weekend.. not just a day (in my house anyways) thats all about you for a change. Sure is well appreciated. :)
Thanks for joining us in this journey we call life.
Adorable! My mom has a picture of my tiny handprints with that exact poem. :) And I have the same mixer in pink... you will love it!
I love you beautiful!! I am so glad you had a good mothers day! It sucked that I had duty, but atleast we made up for it on friday and saturday minus our little arguement on saturday lol. Guess that is part of being married though :P just know that no matter how frustrated we are at each other, deep down I still love you just as much as I did before we where frustrated. I am happy that you enjoyed your gifts! The pictures turned out really good! I guess some of your photography skills are rubbing off on me :) just a little bit maybe lol. Love you boo! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
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