Monday, February 15, 2010

Not me monday :)


Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

*I did not get put on muscle relaxers for the first time in my ENTIRE life this past week casue my neck has been a little bit of a hassel. I did not freak out and think of the pharmacist putting the wrong meds in my bottle, causeing me to NOT think of everything that could have went wrong. Which in turn did not make me call meghan and tell her if she didnt hear from me in the am something was wrong.
(Worry Wart Me? NAHHHH)

*I did not go out Sat night, and get drunk off one shot and 2 drinks. Nope I wasnt that girl.

*I did not have to wake up just a few hours later and be a mom...
*I did not break a gkass bown all over my bare feet.
*I did not go to the store last min to try to find them valentine heart cookies.
(which I was very unsuccesful)
*I did not make a huge dinner, for just myself and lys. I mean really how lame would that be.
*I did not watch the end of the nascar race, and get super excited cause the end was so good.
(ha ha, jeff gordon)
*I did not watch Ashley Force Hood drag race her dad, and secretly wish I was the one in the car racing my dad.
*Alyssa and I did NOT wash dishes for the first time together yesterday.
Thats all for now :)
Thanks for joining us in This journey we call life.

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